Look Up At The Sky It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane, It’s A…

UFO, yes thats right I want to talk about unidentified flying objects, visitors from space with a unatrual fascination with probes and hillbilly asses. What are these things flying through thew sky that so many have seen or claimed to have seen? Could it be merely drug or alcohol induced hallucinations?

Oh man I am tripping balls.

Or could it be experimental military aircraft so advanced that they would go to all lengths to support the secrecy of their high-tech toys?

well shit, at least it's American.

Or maybe just maybe they are visitors from another galaxy who come here to, shit, I don’t know, just to fuck with us I guess.

Look at that cheeky bastard, you know he's up to no good.

Now when I was younger I loved to watch shows about UFO’s because I so desperately wanted there to be more fantastical things in the world for me to believe in and as time went on I have since came to the realization that life on other planets is a given, the universe is simply to damn big for us to be the only game in town. Now are there alien life forms with advanced technology buzzing around our planet just because we are so damn interesting? That I don’t know but it seems pretty god damn unlikely, why?

Well take a look at us we are tearing our planet apart for bullshit reasons, we kill each other at the drop of a hat, and lets face it we stink. Oh yeah get a good whiff of your self humanity we stink. No matter how many showers we take we always stink not to mention we shit all over the place and bury our trash in the ground. Fuck that if I was an alien from another planet I’d take one look at us and say “fuck that we’ll just wait till the rest stop, were not getting off here” and keep on going.

Fuck it until those crazy alien buggers land in every major city and introduce themselves will anyone ever truly believe their existence, I mean damn, people thought the world was fucking flat for hundreds of years and you’d fall off the edge if you sailed out to far. So I say keep on believing and heres to hoping that when we do hit the edge of the map there wont be too many monsters.

~ by AmadeusKong on February 3, 2010.

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