All Right SuperBowl!… I dont care.

I’m going to be honest with you all out there and this might come to a shock to some of you out there that envision me as a hulking mass of testosterone fueled muscle thats fed by watching sports and videos of the slaughter-house. The thing is I really don’t care for sports.

Unless of course they are filled with blood thirsty mutants with a penchant for ref killing.

No sir I never caught the sports bug, I have tried to interest my self in watching a bunch of roided up sub-humans and reprobates fight over a ball but I just couldn’t keep my self sitting in front of the tv watching what looked to be the same thing over and over. To me all sports are as boring as NASCAR. The only thing that would get me back into liking sports would have to be something completely ridiculous.

... Like flubberized wheels on wheelchair basketball.

Yes, that would make me interested plus if there were more hot women in sports I would definitely tune in a hell of a lot more.

I think the decision is pretty god damn easy if you ask me.


~ by AmadeusKong on February 7, 2010.

One Response to “All Right SuperBowl!… I dont care.”

  1. You know who else didn’t like sports? Stalin. Are you a die-hard communist too? Because that’s what this is telling me.

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